Monday, April 27, 2015

Taking the Green biscuit

We held our monthly street surgery at Whickham on Saturday in the morning. Afterwards I visited the St Mary's Church coffee morning (lots of people clutching completed postal votes and telling me they had voted for me!) and then went to Dunston for some canvassing (yet again lots of people interested in my self-sufficient good life.)

Then back to Whickham for lunch at Wetherspoons. We knew the Greens were going to have a street stall there (I don't just have sources in the Labour Party!) so we went out of our way to visit them. They were looking rather lonely. Had they done their homework, they would have realised that Saturday afternoons on St Mary's Green are not the busiest of times. They were a friendly enough bunch and had a number of leaflets offering to spend gargantuan sums of money on just about anything going. They even asked me how my goats are. In terms of lifestyle, I can of course out green any Green candidate who cares to stand against me. I did however persuade them to part with a chocolate biscuit though such generosity would not convert me to their economically unsustainable cause. If people are voting on environmental issues in Blaydon constituency they may wish to consider the following: I led numerous campaigns against opencast mining here, the Greens were nowhere to be seen; Lib Dems led the battle against landfill in the constituency, the Greens were nowhere to be seen; I'm directly involved with running environmental projects in the Whickham area and yes, you guessed it, the Greens were nowhere to be seen.

Lunch then followed in the Harry Clasper, the former Whickham Council Offices, now a Wetherspoons pub. Burger and chips. Not very self-sufficient admittedly.

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